Our pricing process

Our prices are carefully set to offer the best value to both our customers and sellers.

We believe that our customers should understand how our products are priced. 


Let’s explain our process:

 1- Our sellers set the price of their item based on several criteria

The pricing of a vintage product is of course related to its intrinsic value based on the material, the condition, the know-how, but also depends on other factors such as the date of creation, its scarcity, the brand.

Sourcing unique and exceptional products has a cost for our sellers. First, it’s highly time-consuming to find the best supply, and it took them years of hard work to develop their address book. Then, once they have the items, they take care of everything to make sure the item is in the best possible condition: it’s dry-cleaned or repaired if needed.

However, when selling with Lysis, our partners save a lot of costs such as operating costs, because we take care of that for them. That is why they are able to offer the best pricing for their items on the platform, lower than their own retail prices. 


2- We apply a commission which is included in the final price.

This commission is used to finance our own costs:

  • Professional photoshoots: shopping vintage online is not always easy because each item is unique and carries the signs of the past. That is why we put a lot of effort into our photography, to show you the item from every angle, as if you had it in your hands.
  • A responsive customer service: our team is dedicated to offering the best customer service and making sure we can answer any of your questions as fast as possible. 
  • Continuously expanding our vintage community, with more sellers, more content creators to offer you a wider selection of pieces 
  • The development of the website
  • And many amazing projects to come!

    Should you have any question about our pricing, please get in touch with us here.